News Bureau

March 04, 2021

An open letter to jewellery leaders by RJC

Recently Iris Van der Veken, Executive Director-Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) inked an open letter to business leaders in the jewellery industry with the subject of Sustainability: A 2021 Perspective, Rebuilding Trust in the Decade of Action!

The past year has been a year of reckoning, reflection and reassessing how we relate to one another and to the planet. There is a lot that has been said about the changes this unprecedented year has brought and also about the next normal that seems to be on the not-so-distant horizon.

Among all of this, I am convinced of the centrality of a value that has taken on enormous significance and holds true in more ways than we had probably imagined before the pandemic began – interconnectedness. This is why I feel our industry will do well; we are a global family of businesses who have always been interdependent in bringing products to the consumer that are pure emotion and trust. Of the many lessons that have emerged from this turbulent year, one rang true across the globe – we are all in this together.

At the beginning of 2020, we were at the start of the “decade of action”, with just ten years to reach the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and to implement decisive action on the climate crisis. Now, with the hindsight of 2020 (pun intended), how we march forward – through collaboration, investment and reporting on progress – will determine the future of our world, and for that of generations to come.

Iris inks, 8 trends shaping responsible business in the jewellery industry & said, “What follows is my humble endeavour to distil what, in my opinion and the opinion of the experts quoted below, will be the trends that can take our businesses, communities and our people to a sustainable future.”

8 trends shaping responsible business in the jewellery industry is, 1: Valuing Employee Wellbeing, 2: Making Deep Changes in Supply Chains, 3: Embracing the Circular Economy, 4: Sustainable Consumption & Behaviour Change, 5: Doubling up on Climate Action, 6: Put Equality at the Core of Business, 7: Innovation for the SDGs & 8: Normalise ESG Reporting.


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